Monday, July 1, 2013

Hotel Tannenhof Review
Hotel Tannenhof

Address : Hotel Tannenhof, Haiger, Germany

Rating : 7.3

Very Good

This morning we will review about Hotel Tannenhof. Hotel Tannenhof which located in Germany provide best facilities with reasonable price. When you visit Germany we suggest you to stay in Hotel Tannenhof

Hotel Tannenhof Centrally located between Cologne and Frankfurt, this cozy hotel in Haiger offers a pool, a spa area and 2 cozy restaurants. Just off the A45 highway, it boasts peaceful surroundings.The Hotel Tannenhof invites you to start your day with a varied breakfast buffet, which is included in the room rate.Relax in the spa area with sauna and swimming pool (16 ft x 30 ft). Massage services are also available for an additional fee.Mediterranean and regional dishes are served in the hotel's restaurants - Theolino's and Schimberg. A selection of wines and regional spirits are also offered.In the summer, take a seat on the terrace and enjoy ice cream, coffee and cake. Round off the evening with a drink in the Quacksalber bar.Free parking is available outside the Hotel Tannenhof.

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Facilities in Tung Trang Hotel

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